Disappointing performance & poor customer service

In this review I will show you exactly what was my experience with eloboostroyal in 2023 and why do I think you should avoid them if you’re looking for a reliable service provider in this field.I heard mixed opinions about the site for a while now and since I have employed the use of similar websites numerous times before I’ve decided to put their quality and value to the test.

 Navigating through the website I appreciated the speed and quality of the art and assets but I could also notice the level of clutter on the home  page and the very intrusive pop ups in the member area constantly asking me for a review in exchange of a discount on eventual future purchases so here they have it!I decided on my order and I messaged the support to have some of my questions answered but they weren’t replying and after 1 hour of waiting I’ve decided to go along with the order but downsized it considerably due to their unresponsiveness… a very wise decision in retrospect.

 My order was assigned almost instantly, but they have a strange system in place where boosters can leave or take the order everytime they see fit and 2 initial boosters took and dropped my order for no reason at all until my final booster grabbed it and stuck with it even answering some of my questions since the support staff didn’t bother replying yet.

    The booster was polite and professional, logging shortly after being assigned and I thought he would make quick work of the order and have it done in a couple of hours in a dominating manner.I was only partially right… his performance was lackluster to say the least.

  I was not impressed from the very first match the booster went 3/3/3 on Kayle a game where  I actually spectated him and I quickly realized I’m not gonna learn anything useful from him so I stopped doing it after.

  I understand that it was probably first game of the day “lag” and that we can all can have off games but he was advertised as a challenger player, so I expected him to shine in low silver and not get hard carried like he got by the mid and jungle.

  I expressed my concerns to the customer support, who finally replied after more than 2 hours and after a bit more back and forth they made obvious to me that they only put emphasis on winning games above anything and high performance didn’t really matter

             I agreed that winning is the most important thing but how is also significant especially since they advertise challenger players which should absolutely destroy every single silver game and not get carried by low elo players, that’s just wrong.

The booster had a couple of good games where he carried as expected, but then he had a horrible game where he went 0/4/2 where he got absolutely destroyed by silver players. I contacted the customer support in awe and they continued to defend him but this time told me they  were going to have a talk with him…They never replied back after and I didn’t insisted since the order was completed on the game and my felt my words falling on deaf ears.


I have classified the entire experience in the following categories:

Website Usability 3 out of 5 stars – While the speed of the website and the quality of the art and assets were notable, the overall user experience was hampered by a cluttered home page and intrusive pop-ups in the member area. The site’s navigation could be made simpler and more intuitive.

Performance 2 out of 5 stars  – booster had mostly good games but going 0/2/4 in silver as a challenger player is very unlikely

Speed  3 out of 5 stars – although their customer support contacted me a bit late, once I placed the order it was started fairly quick.

Customer Support: 2 out of 5 stars – Their customer support was slow to respond and when they did, they seemed more focused on defending their booster than addressing my concerns. The lack of prompt, effective, and empathetic communication was a significant drawback.

– Flexibility: 2 out of 5 stars – Flexibility was another area where the service was lacking. The boosters’ ability to drop and take orders at will created an unpredictable and unstable experience. Plus, the lack of flexibility in their game approach, focusing solely on winning rather than performance, was disappointing.

– Security: 4 out of 5 stars – One aspect where they were quite satisfactory was in terms of security. I did not encounter any security-related issues during my interaction with the website. All transactions and communications were encrypted and secure. However, the lack of transparency about boosters picking and dropping orders can raise some concerns.

Price 3 out of 5 stars Their rates are similar with most boosting services but they didn’t have anything exciting that would entice me to purchase anything in particular

All in all, eloboostroyal has room for significant improvements. A more streamlined and user-friendly website, faster and more effective customer support, and a more flexible approach to their services could elevate their overall rating. As it stands now, I can’t comfortably recommend their services due to these deficits.